SPIE Astronomical Telescopes+Instrumentation 2024 was held at Pacifico Yokohama, from 18 to 20 June. Prof. Kei Sano, Research Associate Galindo Rosales Reynel Josue, Mr. Shunsuke Nakagawa(M2), Mr. Hisataka Kawasaki (M2) and Mr. Ezra Fielding (M2) of Kyushu Institute of Technology, and Dr. Koji Takimoto of ISAS/JAXA, and Mr. Hayato Tanaka (M2t) of Tokyo Institute of Technology presented their progress in satellite development.
Prof. Kei Sano of Kyushu Institute of Technology gave a presentation entitled “Astronomical 6U CubeSat mission VERTECS: Scientific objective and project status,” and Research Associate Galindo Rosales Reynel Josue gave a presentation entitled ” VERTECS: Thermal modeling and analysis to enhance mission efficiency through temperature control strategies of a 6U CubeSat with visible light Mr. Shunsuke Nakagawa’s presentation title is “VERTECS: Operational and Power Management Strategy”, and Mr. Hisataka Kawasaki’s presentation title is “VERTECS: Design and development of 6U CubeSat structure for observations of extragalactic background light”, Mr. Ezra Fielding’s presentation title is “VERTECS: A COTS-based payload interface board to enable next generation astronomical imaging payloads”, Dr. Koji Takimoto’s presentation title is “VERTECS: Development Status of the Mission Payload Specialized in Visible EBL Observation” and Mr. Hayato Tanaka(Tokyo Tech)’s research topic is “Attitude and orbital control simulation for VERTECS”.